Yesterday group two and group 3 created a boat. First, we got into groups of five in my group was Pia, Ava, Asinat, Khalia and myself. Our challenge was to make our boat float.
Next,we got our tray, In the tray was Popsicle sticks, cardboard, black plastic, super glue, corks and scissors. We started off by getting the cardboard and the black plastic. We wrapped the cardboard with the black plastic and glued it with super glue.
Afterwards, we got the corks and glued it to the bottom and got some Popsicle sticks and attached it to the stern (back) and cut a little bit of the black plastic to make a flag.Then, we glued the Popsicle sticks and stuck it on the cardboard. Our boat did not look like a boat, it looked more like a raft.
Lastly, we had to tidy up and I thought my group had to get up and tell group 2 and 3 and tell them how we built our boat.On Wednesday we had to add some final touches. The only thing we did was get a popsicle stick and marker and wrote our group name for the boat. Our name was ‘The Bahamas’. That was the only thing we had to finish to complete the boat.
By:Manu 😄